Impact Safety Inc. offers up to date solutions for all your safety needs! Our staff has a wealth of safety experience, flexibly, and expert knowledge of the Certificate of Recognition (COR). We offer services and expertise in industrial, construction, manufacturing, fabrication, and commercial sectors, for both union and non-union businesses. Our niche market is coaching, guidance and program development for companies seeking COR recognition lead by a highly experienced COR auditor. We have vast experience with regulatory compliance requirements and complex program development.
Service Offerings:
1. Reduce incidences injuries, property damage and near miss
2. Ability to bid for more work where obtaining COR is a requirement
3. Attract and retain the best candidates who want to work in a safe environment
4. Enhance and promote your brand as one of ON best employers
5. Improved productivity and profitability (reports show that the safest employers are also the most profitable)
6. Training and education your workforce
7. Coach: management teams, supervisors, and workers
8. Develop, implement, and communicate policies and procedures
9. Hazard identification, risk assessment and control strategies
10. Complete health and safety management system based on scoop of work (policies, procedures, safe working practices)
11. On site assessments
12. On site compliance inspections
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